Donate to the weg
Why donate to the weg?
People are at the centre of all that we do in WEG. Actually the planet will be absolutely fine in the long-term, no matter what we do. We just want us to thrive along with a flourishing planet.
Unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees. In fact trees (we have planted and taken care of thousand of them) cost money to purchase, plant and take care of.
We are:
Busy making, installing and maintaining wildlife habitat products for our beleaguered wildlife.
Creating and maintaining wildflower meadows.
Coppicing blackthorn to help the brown hairstreak butterfly to spread further into Worcester.
Coppicing hazel to bring new life to our beloved woodland.
Helping residents to understand and connect with nature more.
Improving the Wild about Worcester Way for nature and our community.
Expanding and maintaining our traditional orchards.
Taking care of our ponds.
Creating butterfly rides.
Training Worcester City Council staff on how to enhance biodiversity in their green spaces.
Engaging with Worcester City Councillors to enhance the biodiversity in their green spaces.
Together we can make a difference for generations to come.
Any donations will be gratefully received. Thank you.
Our Bank Details
Name: Worcester Environmental Group
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account Number: 77819560
Contact for any further details.