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Our People


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Paul Snookes


Before retiring Paul worked in higher and further education with students from all over the world.  He has become increasingly concerned about the condition that we will leave the planet in for future generations.  This has led him to actively involve himself in many environmental causes and organisations.  He puts people and nature at the heart of everything he does.

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Jonathan Hildred

My fondest childhood memories are turning over rocks, investigating undergrowth and pond dipping to discover the weird and wonderful vertebrates and invertebrates that make these habitats home. Following a three-decade hiatus from my nature hunting days , I am rekindling my passion for wildlife and reconnecting with nature. Sadly, I have found that biodiversity has diminished considerably in this period, and I want to do what I can to help not only improve our local flora and fauna, but also help promote how important it is for us all to make space for nature and the benefits it brings to us.


As a Trustee for The WEG I will help challenge our mission and help make Worcester a beacon of what can be done to ensure nature and people can thrive together.


Cathy Lusty

I have a varied background, having spent many years working in hospitality, moving into the third sector, and now working in Financial Services. I have a Diploma in Human Resource Management and am working toward gaining qualifications in the Financial Services Industry.

I am passionate about veganism and working to tackle environmental issues, both on a macro and micro scale. I am excited to be part of the WEG and look forward to seeing the positive outcomes we can achieve in Worcester.


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Zoe Hickman-Chair

I moved to Worcester in the summer of 2022 and very soon fell in love with our wonderful green spaces. I have a background in criminal justice and have worked in the public sector for almost 10 years, but have become increasingly interested in ecology and protecting biodiversity. I believe that volunteering to improve your local environment vastly improves your connection to the place you live, the people you live with, and the nature around you, so I am looking forward to working as a trustee to increase community and voluntary engagement with the WEG. 



Before retiring Paul worked in higher and further education with students from all over the world.  He has become increasingly concerned about the condition that we will leave the planet in for future generations.  This has led him to actively involve himself in many environmental causes and organisations. He puts people and nature at the heart of everything he does. For this reason he cofounded WEG in 2020.


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Paul Snookes

Biodversity volunteer coordinator

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As well as being the new Biodiversity Volunteer Coordinator for WEG, I also work for a large corporation where I delivered many sustainability projects in the past. I also organise and run sustainable events and I host eco clubs but most importantly I am a mum to a gorgeous little human.

Being in nature always helps me to switch off completely.  However, things are not the same as they were when I was a child. We are losing our wildlife and their habitats at an alarming rate. I want my little girl to experience nature the way I did growing up and this is why I am so passionate about enhancing biodiversity and trying to reverse the effect of climate change. 

I look forward to making a difference in Worcester , together with all the wonderful people at WEG


Emese Burnip
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andy Stafford

I’ve lived in Worcester with my wife Victoria for over twenty years and for most of that time we’ve had rescue dogs. Somehow every dog we’ve owned has needed lots of exercise, so over the years we’ve become very familiar with Worcester’s green spaces in particular the riverside, Worcester Woods, Gheluvelt Park and Perdiswell. In Worcester we are fortunate to have access to a variety of quality green spaces but they do need looking after and can be improved in many simple ways.

Previously I was a City & County councillor and as a chair of the city’s Environment Committee I was able to prioritise the enhancement of Worcester’s green spaces. This inevitably brought me into contact with Paul Snookes and the excellent work that the WEG do through their volunteers. As a councillor I was able to support the WEG with the creation of the Wild About Worcester Way and wildflower meadows. I’m delighted to be able to continue supporting the WEG as a Trustee.



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